Eastern Australia UFO sighting, 3 May 1952
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George and Jill Shirley, circa 1955. |
Compiled by Graham J. Shirley
- The Memoir
- Australian UFO sighting 3-9 May 1952
- Berowra UFO Sightings – 3 May 1952, 15 & 19 June 1954
- 1952 – ‘Year of the UFO’
- References
1. The memoir
George’s Original Text
G.A. Shirley 27-5-52 [27 May 1952]
Before starting to read this book I feel that I should tell you just what prompted us to buy it. On Saturday May 3rd 1952 my wife Jill, and I set off from home at 5 A.M. to drive to Melbourne. At 6.12 A.M. we were starting to climb Mt. Razorback on the Hume Highway, when we suddenly saw what appeared to be a low flying aircraft one mile distance due south of us. Its course was due East, altitude 1500’ – 2000’ & speed approx. 250 M.P.H. It seemed to be approx. the same size as a DC4 or Lockheed Constelation. We could see no wings, being side on. We did not notice any sound although at the time we were climbing & our engine was pulling hard, also our car heater was running [,] so it’s doubtful if we would [have] heard even a normal aircraft. We noticed bright lights (of landing light brightness) fore and aft, also along the fuselage there were smaller lights at even spaces. To us it looked like a normal aircraft in the half light of the rising sun. The thing that made me note time and course was the fact that it was so low & heading in the wrong direction of Sydney with its landing lights on. We promptly forgot all about it & concentrated on our trip to Melbourne & one can imagine our surprise when we read in the papers just what we had witnessed. We make no claim to it being a flying saucer, but at least it was some controlled object flying a horizontal course & no ‘comet like’ tail. G.A. Shirley.
Edited Version of George’s Text
G.A. Shirley 27-5-1952.
Before starting to read this book, I feel that I should tell you just what prompted us to buy it. On Saturday May 3rd 1952, my wife Jill and I set off from home at 5 A.M. to drive to Melbourne. At 6.12 A.M., we were starting to climb Mt. Razorback on the Hume Highway, when we suddenly saw what appeared to be a low flying aircraft one mile distance due south of us. Its course was due East, altitude 1500’ – 2000’ & speed approx. 250 M.P.H. It seemed to be approximately the same size as a DC4 or Lockheed Constellation. We could see no wings, being side on. We did not notice any sound, although at the time we were climbing & our engine was pulling hard. Also, our car heater was running, so it’s doubtful if we would have heard even a normal aircraft. We noticed bright lights (of landing light brightness) fore and aft. Also, along the fuselage there were smaller lights at even spaces. To us it looked like a normal aircraft in the half light of the rising sun. The thing that made me note time and course was the fact that it was so low & heading in the wrong direction of Sydney with its landing lights on. We promptly forgot all about it & concentrated on our trip to Melbourne. One can imagine our surprise when we read in the papers just what we had witnessed. We make no claim to it being a flying saucer, but at least it was some controlled object flying a horizontal course & with no ‘comet like’ tail. G.A. Shirley.
The third page of George’s memoir, situated above the printed title page of Behind the Flying Saucers, contains his side-on sketch of the cigar-shaped aircraft, showing nine LIGHTS stretching from fore to aft. A measurement below the sketch with an arrow pointing to the left reads 250 M.P.H., and further down the page is an up-and-down arrow, interrupted halfway by with text: Altitude 1500' to 2000' with reference to the estimated height of the craft about ground in feet.
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George Shirley's sketch of the cigar-shaped UFO seen on 3 May 1952. |
George’s sketch of the aircraft as cigar-shaped is significant in the light of other accounts of UFOs at this time.
On two more introductory pages in Behind the Flying Saucers, George pasted two relevant newspaper articles, these being:
(1) "Flying Cigars” in South Reported, Sydney Morning Herald, 6 June 1952, p. 2.
Several residents of Milton, on the south coast, claim they have seen cigar-shaped objects flying at heights of 1,500 to 2,000 feet in the last fortnight. Mr. Syd Ford said the "flying cigars" have been seen just after dark or just before daybreak. The one he saw had a bright light in front just like a car headlight. There was a bright glow at the rear. "It was not a meteor because it flew level," he said. "It made no noise and flew almost directly eastwards for about three miles, when I lost sight of it." Others who reported seeing the objects were Mr. C. Bell, a Main Roads Department foreman, and Mr. Jack Martin, a Conjola farmer.
(2) Now It’s "Flying Cigars", Sun (Sydney), 8 June 1952, p. 7.
Milton residents are organising to keep a nightly watch for "flying cigars" which have been reported over the South Coast. They want CSIRO scientists and RAAF officers to investigate the reports of strange flying objects. Mr. Sid Ford, proprietor of the Milton Times, said a number of local residents had seen the cigar-shaped objects during the past four weeks. "But one night last week about 6.30, I saw one of the weirdest things I've ever seen. This cigar-shaped object was moving across the darkened sky at a height of about 1500 ft. There was a bright light in the nose and side was illuminated. There was a glow coming from the back. I've seen meteors, but this object didn't trail sparks as a meteor does.
Given that it was on 27 May 1952 that George wrote his memoir of the UFO sighting, the 6 and 8 June newspaper articles pasted into his copy of Behind the Flying Saucers would not have been the first articles my parents read in the papers just what we had witnessed. While it is possible that they were the earliest articles of UFO sightings that my parents kept, it is clear that not long after their own UFO sighting, they read one or more of the May 1952 newspaper articles referred to in the following three paragraphs.
More than a dozen other people also reported having seen a similar unidentified flying aircraft over eastern Australia early on Saturday 3 May within hours of George’s and Jill’s sighting. Several Australian newspapers reported these sightings, and they included full and condensed versions of one particular article apparently first published on Monday 5 May 1952. Among the papers which published the full version of that initial article was Lismore’s Northern Star of 5 May 1952, who titled it More Reports of Flying Saucers. The article, although published on Monday, 5 May, had been written on Sunday 4th and reported events which had occurred on the 3rd. It read in full:
SYDNEY, Sunday. - Fresh reports reached Sydney today of mysterious "flying saucers" seen over the South Coast and Northern Victoria yesterday [3 May 1952]. One report from a young motor cyclist near Nowra described the saucer as a bright glittering object shaped like a cigar. The other from Benalla, Northern Victoria, was seen by an interstate truck driver and his wife at 3 a.m. yesterday. The driver said the object had rows of lights on either side and was travelling at high speed. Eleven people yesterday reported seeing similar objects in Sydney, Berowa [Berowra] and Parkes. All of them saw the saucer after 6 a.m. All reports described the objects as cigar shaped, much larger than a normal aircraft, and leaving a blue trail. Air Force authorities, civil aviation or meteorologists have been unable to give an explanation of the reports.
Utilising the National Library of Australia's TROVE Digitised Newspapers database, I have also found 14 other Australian newspaper reports published during the week after George and Jill’s sighting and covering the 3 May suspected UFO sighting between Murwillumbah and Victoria. A number of these are reproduced below. Witness descriptions of the UFO were often similar to what George and Jill had experienced, including the absence of noise from the craft, its cigar-like shape, lights being emitted from it, plus the craft's speed, direction of flight and height above the ground. Nevertheless, while George and Jill observed “no ‘comet like' tail”, others did. Also, the authorities at the time - the Civil Aviation Department, the CSIRO and the RAAF - declared the UFO a meteor or dispersed meteor, or an effect of light due to cloud inversion. None supported the "flying saucer" (i.e. cigar-shaped Alien spacecraft) scenario proposed by members of the general public who actually saw and reported on the object.
No additional reports have been located in regard to the later sightings of the craft in May 1952 around Milton. During 1952-1953, George, or perhaps Jill, inserted between other pages of Behind the Flying Saucers two further newspaper cuttings:
(1) Flying Saucers – What Now?, The Sunday Sun & Guardian (Sunday edition of Sydney Sun), 13 July 1952, and
(2) Odd Lights in the Sky, Sydney Sun, 18 May 1953.
Neither was specifically related to the 3 May 1952 event. The latter article reported UFO sightings at Melbourne’s Essendon Airport, and at Mackay and Rockhampton in Queensland, a year after the Razorback event.
2. Australian UFO reports 3-9 May 1952
The following reports of UFO sightings appeared in Australian newspapers during early May 1952, relating to the incident of Saturday, the 3rd. Eight of the fifteen appeared in New South Wales newspapers, indicative of the widespread interest in the subject across Australia at the time. The published reports begin on Sunday, 4 May:
* 4 May - Flying Saucer Over NSW? Nine Reports, Sunday Mail, Brisbane, Queensland.
SYDNEY, Sat. — Nine people reported seeing a flying saucer over various parts of New South Wales to-day. The reports came from Parkes, Berowra (north of Hornsby), Wollongong, Enfield, Belfield, and Five Dock. Eye-witnesses described the flying saucer as a cigar shaped object, flying very fast at a great height. R.A.A.F. and Civil Aviation officials and meteorologists at the Sydney Weather Bureau could not explain the object. [Parkes is 272 miles west of Sydney, Berowra is 28 miles north, Wollongong 52 miles south, and Enfield, Five Dock, and Belfield are suburbs.]
Made no sound
People who saw the object said it was well lit. The flying saucer was seen over Parkes at 6 a.m. by one man, Berowra at 6,17 a.m. by two men, Enfield at 6.10 a.m. by three men, and Belfield at 6.10 a.m. by one man. Three P.M.G. employees who saw the flying saucer on their way to work at Enfield said it appeared to have many lit windows, giving it the appearance of a ship at sea. The three P.M.G. workers are Reg Edwards, Haberfield, William Anderson, of Enfield, and Ken Shippley, of Burwood. Edwards and Anderson are married ex-servicemen.
'Like airship'
Edwards said: 'The flying saucer was well to the north of Enfield, and travelling due north to south. It was a long thing like an airship or a submarine, all lit up. It was at least three or four times larger than a four-engined Skymaster. It made no sound but travelled at' about 500 miles an hour. One thing the three of us are convinced about — it was definitely not a meteor or any kind of star. It travelled across the sky as straight as a gun barrel, and appeared to be on a fixed course. We saw it for at least a full minute before it disappeared into a bank of clouds. We could even see the exhausts at the back of the saucer, which looked like jets.
'White object'
Mr. G. McKenzie, of Belfield, said he saw the flying saucer while on his way to work about 6.10 a.m. It was flying about 500 miles an hour, and at 25,000ft. altitude. Keith Holmes, 19, Dairy farmer, and Gordon Ross, 21, University student, both of Berowra, said they saw it over Berowra at 6.17 a.m., travelling due south. Sparks were coming from a type of exhaust. Mr. L. Bailey, of the Parkes radio station, 2PK, said he saw a white object, flat at one end and pointed af the other, flying over the town at 6 a.m. at about 4000ft. Mr. J. Labelle, of Five Dock, said he saw a flying saucer pass over the suburb about 6 a.m. to-day. Mrs. B. McTierney, of Wollongong, said she saw a strange object pass over North Beach, Wollongong, between 12.45 and 1 pm. today. Officials in the Kingsford Smith Airport operations room said the object was not a civil aircraft or a R.A.A.F. plane.
* 4 May - Flying Saucer Seen in Sydney, Daily Telegraph, Sydney.
* 4 May - Seven Men Report Seeing Flying Saucer, Sunday Herald, Sydney.
* 4 May - Said They Saw Flying Saucer, Sunday Times, Perth, Western Australia.
* 5 May - More Reports of Flying Saucers, Northern Star, Lismore. Reproduced in the text above.
* 5 May - Flying Saucer Seen in 2 States, Advertiser, Adelaide, South Australia.
* 5 May - Flying Saucers Whizz Over 2 States, The Argus, Melbourne, Victoria.
Twenty-three people reported having seen a "flying saucer" whizzing over New South Wales soon after 6 a.m. on Saturday. Mr. M. T. Judge, of Chatswood, an ex-Air Force instructor, said: "I was in the Boulevard, Strathfield, when I saw the object 4000 to 5000 feet up, between Bankstown and Mascot. It appeared to have no wings, was cigar-shaped, many times the size of an aeroplane, and had two sets of very bright lights at each end. The object flew into a cloud and disappeared. It was 6.09 a.m." Two other men saw the "saucer" when they were delivering ice in Auburn at 6.08 a.m., "coming fast from the south-west and leaving behind a blue trail." An airlines pilot and first-officer, a taxi-driver, three P.M.G. men in various parts of Sydney, a farmer and student at Berowra, and people at Wollongong, Parkes, and Belfield all reported it at the same hour and gave similar descriptions. No aircraft or meteorological balloons had left the ground. In Adelaide, Mr. R. J. Skinfield, engineering student, of St. Peter's, said he saw "a small dead-white disc" over the city at 12.16 p.m. yesterday. It moved "at a relatively fast rate" towards the south, he said. Mr. Skinfield said he saw the disc from his backyard after his attention was attracted by a high-flying plane. It moved in a straight line a long way from the plane. It then disappeared over the housetops
* 5 May - 'Saucer' Over Nowra, Illawarra Daily Mercury, Wollongong.
SYDNEY, Sun.— Fresh reports reached Sydney today of mysterious "flying saucers" seen over the South Coast and northern Victoria, yesterday. One report from a young motor cyclist near Nowra described the "saucer" as a bright, glittering object shaped like a cigar. The other, from Benalla, was seen by an interstate truck driver and his wife at 3 a.m. The driver said the object had rows of lights on either, side and was travelling at high speed.
* 6 May - Flying Saucer or Meteor Seen by Local Man, Evening Post, Goulburn.
A Kenmore worker claimed to day, that he had seen a "flying saucer" while cycling to work at 6.10 a.m., last Saturday. He is Mr. Neville Herden, of Taralga Road. His report follows claims by at least a dozen Sydney people, and several living on the South Coast, that they saw objects in the sky on Saturday morning. Mr. Herden said he was about a mile from his home and six and a half miles from Goulburn when he saw "a string of lights which seemed to have a tail at the end." His description of the object is: "Cigar-shaped object which was about 1,000 feet in the air and travelling at slow speed with no noise." Mr. Herden said a heavy fog was lifting at the time, but he watched the string of lights for about a minute as the object moved from West to east. A METEOR? The Deputy Director of the Meteorological Bureau, Mr. J. Hogan, last night commended a report sent to him from a Towradgi resident, who said: "It had the appearance of a comet or meteor that had been broken up into three or four smaller pieces, together with an accompanying amount of sparks, which were probably the smaller pieces of the original body. It flew from west to east. I would attribute the sparks from the exhaust as the fine particles such as one sees in the tail of a comet."
* 6 May - Flying Saucer Stir, Barrier Miner, Broken Hill.
* 6 May - Saucer or Meteor, Courier Mail, Brisbane, Queensland.
* 7 May - Flying Saucer - Murwillumbah, Daily Mercury, Mackay, Queensland.
A silent, very bright object flew over Mt. Burrell at great speed about 10 o'clock last night, Mrs. Bill Grant, of Mt.Burrell, 20 miles south of Murwillumbah, claimed to-day. She said the sky was overcast, which ruled out its being a meteor and the fact that no sound could be heard suggested that it could not be an aircraft.
* 7 May - Local Residents See Flying Saucer, Riverina Herald, Echuca, Victoria.
Echuca has entered the flying saucer field. During the past several days there have been reports fromvarious centres throughout the Commonwealth o£ "flying saucers" having been seen in the sky, and a possible explanation that the phenomena were meteors was given yesterday by an astronomist. Two local residents were amongst those who saw Saturday's early morning flying saucer which, they said, was visible for about two or three minutes. They were Messrs W. Buter and De Briuyne who witnessed the phenomenon at about 6.10 a.m. on Saturday. Mr Buter said yesterday that the "saucer" was elongated, and was of a similar shape to a cigar. Crossing the sky from west to east, it was fairly high up and was of similar color to a star. Mr Buter, who like Mr De Briuyne is a Dutch migrant, likened the "saucer" to a V2 bomb of which he saw a number in Holland during the war years.
* 7 May - Two See "Flying Saucer: Over Wagga, Daily Advertiser, Wagga Wagga.
A Wagga taxi-driver, Mr. Owen Forrest claims he saw a 'flying saucer' shoot over the city early on Saturday morning. Mr. Forest's 'flying saucer' coincides with the ones reportedly seen by people in Parkes and Sydney late on Friday night and early Saturday morning. The Wagga 'saucer' was also seen by Mrs. A. Hay, of 147 Gurwood Street, who told friends she thought it was a plane, with its engine cut off, coming in to land about 6 a.m. Mr. Forest and Mrs. Hay both saw the object at about 6 o'clock on Saturday morning. Mr. Forest checked the time on his watch, which was, he says, accurate to within half a minute. The time was four minutes past six. He first saw the object flying across the sky when he was cruising in his taxi-cab towards the railway station. 'It seemed about 18 inches in diameter, like a big white ball,' Mr. Forest said last night. 'The thing had a white tail behind it, with sparks dropping off the end of the tail,' he said. Mr. Forest added that the 'ball' maintained a [flat] course across the sky, [never] rising nor falling. 'I would say [it was no] more than half a mile or two from me, about a thousand or two thousand feet above', he said. No sound. Mr. Forest said [he stopped] his taxi immediately, [to observe] the object, but it [soon] disappeared behind a hill. He had switched off the engine of the car, but could hear nothing from the craft. 'It was no jet plane,' Forest said. Thousands of 'flying saucers' have been reported by people in many parts of the world in the last six years. Of the latest crop of reports, Dr. J.H. Piddington, principal research officer of the Radiophysics Department of the C.S.I.R.O., says he believes that they are created by light reflecting off of high clouds. Air Force and Civil Aviation Department spokespersons say that, as far as they are concerned, the thing [must] be meteors.
* 8 May - Flying Saucer at Dawn, Cobram Courier, Victoria.
The "flying saucer" reported as having been seen at a number off points in New South Wales and Victoria on Saturday was also seen by a Cobram farmer. Mr L. Nunan, a farmer on the Cobram-Katamafile Road, south of Cobram, saw the "saucer" when he went out to collect firewood shortly after 6 a.m. on Saturday. He did not see the "saucer" clearly enough to distinguish its shape, but watched its illuminated vapor trail for about 10 seconds, as it streaked across the sky at terrific speed. Mr Nunan said that in the brief time that he watched the missile, it must have travelled 50 or 60 miles. It travelled from west to east, and he lost sight of it as it merged with the light of day on the horizon. He said the object, whatever it was, was an "uncanny sight." It appeared to be a huge star, and travelled horizontally. When he went inside he told his wife, "I suppose you will think I am silly, but I think I have just seen a flying saucer." Mrs Nunan telephoned the "Courier" to tell of her husband's experience, because she thought it should be reported. Heir husband, she said, had not wanted his name published. Earlier, a railway guard was reported to have seen the "saucer" from his van at Benalla, which is about 40 miles from Cobram. Among others who reported seeing the missile was an interstate transport driver, who said he and his wife saw the spectacle when passing through Benalla.
* 9 May - Edgehill Man Sees "Flying Saucer", Observer, Henty.
An Edgebill farmer claims he saw a flying saucer' over Henty early on Saturday morning [3 May]. The 'flying saucer' coincides with others seen by various people in N.S.W. about the same time. In a letter to the Editor this week, he said: I also saw the 'flying saucer' at approximately 10 minutes past 6 o'clock. I saw a blazing ball of fire coming from the south-west, at a very fast speed. It passed across the swamp towards Henty, and disappeared into the light of the coming sun. It was of a blazing orange colour, with a trail of atomic dust flying backward from the object. NO SOUND 'What was most noticeable was the absolute silence — there was no sound of any kind. It was a very calm morning. 'I had a side-on view of the 'flying saucer' and the whole thing was ablaze. It did not travel as fast as a shooting star or meteor, but only took about 15 seconds from when I saw it to come down west and pass over Henty. 'It was not flying very high, and was not far away. It appeared to ease up for a few seconds when crossing the swamp 'I later had a look at a world map. and noted the way it went was toward the Americas. No doubt, the 'flying saucer' comes from there; they have something very far advanced in air travel.' MANY REPORTED. Thousands of 'flying saucers' have been reported by people in many parts of the world in the last six years. Of the latest crop of reports, Dr. J. H. Piddington, principal research officer of the Radio Physics Department of the C.S.I.R.O., says he believes that they are caused by light reflecting from very high clouds. Air Force and Civil Aviation Department spokesmen say that, as far as they are concerned, the things must be meteors.
3. Berowra UFO Sightings – 3 May 1952, 15 & 19 June 1954
On 1 September 2022, Nathan Tilbury, administrator of the Berowra-based Facebook page Man Made the City but God Made the Bush, posted the following in regard to the 3 May 1952 event, and a later event from 1954:
In the early morning, on Saturday, 3rd May 1952, more than a dozen people separately reported seeing an unidentified flying object from various places, including Berowra. These multiple sightings featured in newspapers across Australia and the news was even picked up in some overseas publications. At 6.09 am, Mr Judge, a former Air Force instructor, was on the Boulevarde at Strathfield, when he saw the object in the sky. He said it was many times larger than an airplane but without wings, and it had two sets of very bright lights at each end. Around the same time two men, delivering ice at Auburn, saw something very similar and said it left behind a blue trail. At 6.10 am, three PMG employees working together at Enfield saw the UFO. At nearby Belfield, another man reported the same sight. Two commercial pilots were passengers in a taxi on their way to the Kingsford Smith airport at Mascot, when they saw the UFO. The men reported their UFO sighting when they arrived at the airport. They said their taxi driver also saw it. Then at 6.17 am, two men at Berowra separately saw the UFO. Keith Holmes, 19, a dairy-farmer, on Turner Road, Berowra, was working on the family farm when he saw the UFO. Gordon Ross, 21, university student, of Crowley Road, Berowra, was walking to the railway station when he made his sighting. Both Berowra men said the object was flying due south at high speed. All reports stated the large flying object was a well-lit, cigar shape, and sparks could be seen coming from a type of exhaust. It made no sound as it flew an estimated 500 miles an hour, at an altitude of about 4000 feet. Each witness saw it for approximately a minute until it finally disappeared in clouds or over the horizon. They all stated they were not hungover or drunk, as none had been drinking the night before or that morning. Officials in the operations room at Kingsford Smith Airport, claimed they did not have aircraft in the areas of sightings at that time, and RAAF representatives reported that they were not conducting any aircraft training exercises in NSW on that day. Meteorologists, at the Sydney Weather Bureau, also said there were no meteorological balloons up in those areas. These UFO sightings on 3rd May 1952 remain unexplained. Two years later there were similar sightings, with Berowra witnesses again involved.
On three occasions between Tuesday 15th and Friday 18th June 1954, mysterious violet, orange, blue and red lights were reported over Sydney coming from a UFO that had an ‘appearance of a “single-decker bus”’-like object. These sightings were mainly over the city’s coast including above Coogee, Botany Bay and Bellevue Hill. It was also spotted above Girraween and Ashfield. The UFO with colourful lights was first reported on the Tuesday night, by Miss Yvonne Beaumont, of Wideview Road Berowra. At 8.10pm she claims to have seen a strange object flying over Berowra. ‘It looked like a short railway carriage. You could hardly look at it for the blinding lights.’ She claims to have watched it with her parents from the front veranda of the family home. ‘We rushed outside when we heard a terrible, frightening noise – like an airplane in a dive. It could not have been more than 100ft up. It headed straight for the coast. We watched it for two minutes until it seemed to fly about 20 miles.’ Miss Beaumont finished with, ‘My dad is very hard to convince about these things, but even he was taken aback.’ This UFO sighting also remains unexplained. Are there any other UFO sightings from Berowra?”
The above Facebook post is accompanied by several ‘UFO’ photos with no description or attribution. It is also followed by a series of reader comments, 50 per cent of which are sceptical or cynical, reflecting modern day uncertainty around the phenomenon.
4. 1952 – ‘Year of the UFO’
In 2018, Amazon.com advertised the book, The Legacy of 1952: Year of the UFO, by Dr Bruce Maccabee PhD. The advertisement’s promotional text included:
No year in the history of UFOs had greater impact than 1952. It was a year in which the leadership of the United States Air Force was inundated with incredible reports of unknown objects from credible and competent witnesses. They described objects that looked like nothing they had ever seen, performing maneuvers that did not seem to be possible, and at times over very sensitive places such as military bases and key technology sites. Events culminated in the summer of that year, when these objects appeared for two weekends in a row [over] the nation’s Capitol. Air Force interceptors and commercial airliners alike saw them, as well as people on the ground. Orders were given to shoot them down. The New York Times ran a headline article about them. President Truman demanded answers. Air Force General John Samford gave a much-publicized press conference in which he attributed the main confusion not to aliens from another world, but to weather. The press and public might have believed this, but few insiders in the military or intelligence community seem to have. Enter the CIA. For the remainder of 1952, the Central Intelligence Agency got involved in trying to understand just what was going on. Senior analysts appear to have taken UFOs seriously. The end result was the infamous Robertson Panel, which imprinted the tradition of debunking UFOs not only to the public at large, but to the military and intelligence community itself. … It is a tradition that has lasted to this day.
A book with a similar theme, entitled Flying Saucer Fever, was issued by Graham Rendall in 2022, based on events in the United States during 1950-52 (Rendall 2022).
5. References
Maccabee, Bruce, The Legacy of 1952: Year of the UFO, Createspace, 2018, 120p.
Rendall, Graham, Flying Saucer Fever: Airborne UFO Encounters, 1950-52, The Author, 2022, 466p.
Scully, Frank, Behind the Flying Saucers, Victor Gollancz Ltd., London, 1950.
Newspaper articles quoted above.
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Last updated: 3 February 2024
Authors: Graham J. Shirley & George A. Shirley.
Editorial assistance: Michael Organ.
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